
Hi, my name is Frances. I’m a twenty-something girl from Manila, Philippines. I find refuge and comfort in music. I am fascinated with technology, gadgets, and the universe. I am a foodie. I am a geek and a nerd. I am a photography enthusiast. I am a gamer. I’m a little bit crazy. The love of my life is Jex ♥

I wrote in little diaries and notebooks as a kid and blogging was simply a transition into the digital age. I started blogging way back in 2004 on LiveJournal until late 2010. After being inactive for a few months I decided to migrate to a different blog host.

As this is a personal blog I may blog about anything and everything. I mostly blog about food and my adventures in the kitchen because food is awesome. When I’m not blogging about food I also blog about crafting, photos from a day in my life or my travels, and every now and then maybe a tech-related topic.


“Stellar” – a song by Incubus and used as a sort of battle cry during our younger years when things seemed too difficult to handle.
