24 February 2011


As a first entry in my new blog, let me share a list (I love lists) while I come up with a better and more substantial topic for my next entry.

10 Simple Truths Smart People Forget

  1. Education and intelligence accomplish nothing without action.
  2. Happiness and success are two different things.
  3. Everyone runs their own business.
  4. Having too many choices interferes with decision making.
  5. All people possess dimensions of success and dimensions of failure.
  6. Every mistake you make is progress.
  7. People can be great at doing things they don't like to do.
  8. The problems we have with others are typically more about us.
  9. Emotional decisions are rarely good decisions.
  10. You will never feel 100% ready when an opportunity arises.
source: http://www.marcandangel.com/2011/01/10/10-simple-truths-smart-people-forget/

You can read more about each item on the list from the source of the list in the URL above. I didn't want to just simply copy and paste everything from the source into this post because I find it kind of tacky.

I especially liked numbers 1, 2, 7, and 10. Not totally sure why I do. Maybe because they apply to me? Not really. Probably more because I agree with their ideas. Yeah, something like that. In the end, I guess I like the list because it makes you think. It makes you think about yourself, what you've gone through, and the future.
