When I first got Hayate I was so excited about finally being able to do more with my mobile phone. I could check my email, maintain my documents, keep numerous notes and reminders, and finally organize my life better (well, at least I was planning to). Well, it was pretty much a success on most points, except for the ones which need me to be online. I didn't want to pay an additional P1,200.00 on top of my monthly subscription fee so I was reliant on free Wi-Fi. Sometimes when I really needed to go online or when I just feel like it I settle for the P10.00/30 minutes mobile internet charging. It's time based, though, so even if you're done checking your email in 5 minutes you're still charged P10.00. Sucks.
I recently heard about Smart's Always On mobile internet plans. Unlike the time-based charging for the usual mobile internet, Always On plans are data-based plans. There are different amounts and data caps you can choose from.
Before anything else I wanted to make sure that I wasn't going to go over the 50 MB data cap. If ever I went over the data cap they'd start charging me P10.00/30 minutes. So I looked for a good Android app to help me monitor my usage. I found 3G Watchdog on the Android Market and I liked the widget so I downloaded it (it's free!). I love how you can set the parameters for the data cap and the duration. The widget is awesome in itself, with a progress bar-like display of your usage along with the total amount of data usage and the equivalent percentage. There is also an option to display an icon in your notification bar, which you can set to change color depending on the status of your usage. Overall, I think the app is really good.
So, I kicked my experiment off by texting ON 30 to 2200. I immediately receive a text confirming my subscription to the 50 MB package. The message also contained the expiry of the package, which was after 24 hours. It also sent another text message reminding me that after I consume or when my package expires the standard rate of P10.00/30 minutes will apply.
I kept my 3G on the whole day and I think I only consumed around 19 MB out of the 50 MB data cap (not even half!). That's my data usage even with:
- a lot of chatting over GTalk using eBuddy
- constantly checking my Facebook
- constantly checking Twitter and doing a couple of posts
- constantly checking my Google+
- a couple of Foursquare check-ins
- checking my GMail
- sending an email with two image attachments
- an image post through the Wordpress app
- playing my turns on Words with Friends
- browsing through the Android Market
- an Android Market app download
- browsing through several web pages
Seriously, I really had to make an effort to increase my data consumption. It was interesting. Today, I'm using the 25 MB Always On data plan instead. I made the stupid mistake of trying to download a high-res video from YouTube earlier, though. It was around 100+ MB in size so I panicked and cancelled the download. I received a text message saying I had already consumed 20MB of my package. The message alert was a pleasant surprise and will be especially helpful for those who can't monitor their data usage.
You can go to http://smart.com.ph/buddy/services/alwayson.htm and try out the Always On Surf Calculator. It allows you to estimate your usage and see which plan is best for you to subscribe to.
I'll probably be using these mobile internet packages instead of availing of an unlimited data plan. P20.00 for 30 days is only P600.00. Way better than paying for P1,200.00 for unlimited mobile internet that I'm probably not even going to be utilizing 75% of the time. I can go for the P300.00 plan for a 250MB monthly data cap as well, which is cheaper, but I'll think about it first.
You can check for your data usage by sending BAL to 2200.