Last year, I promised myself that each year I would travel to at least one international destination and at least one local destination. Thanks to the Cebu Pacific's Piso seat sale I was able to visit Hong Kong with my sister last year. Luckily, I also got to fly to Bangalore, India because of work. Cebu & Bohol were my main local destinations for 2010.
I'll be flying off to Beijing later. I feel totally unprepared because unlike my Hong Kong trip last year, where my sister and I really had to plan our itinerary and figure out how to get around Hong Kong by ourselves, I am more of just tagging along. I read a few articles here and there on places to visit and how to get around, but nothing too detailed. So, right now I'll be printing out Beijing-related stuff in case we need it. I also downloaded a few apps on my Nexus One.
I'm just hoping to experience as much of Beijing as I can (hopefully the good stuff) and to bring home decent photos. I found a few photos on Flickr, which gave me inspiration.
The National Centre for the Performing Arts by red ernest |