28 November 2011

Papa J's Wiches & Wings

Top: chili ice cream
Bottom: sizzling brownie ala mode
I got to eat at Papa J's this afternoon before we went to the Manila Auto Salon at the SMX Convention Center. We tried the wings & the pork sisig and all I can say it was worth our money.

23 November 2011

Pino & Pipino

Left: fresh lemon ice cream from Pipino (Vegetarian food by Pino)
Right: Honeymansi & green apple flavored beer from Pino

Pino Resto Bar / Pipino: Vegetarian Food by Pino
39 Malingap Street, Teachers Village, Quezon City

16 November 2011

Battle of the Holiday Drinks

photo credit: http://philippines.starbucks.com
Only 39 days to go and then it's Christmas! The weather is finally getting colder (though it might be because of the low pressure area) and there are ongoing sales in Trinoma and Eastwood to celebrate everyone's 13th month pay (yay?)

Of course, pre-Christmas season won't be the same without the annual release of the Starbucks Red

Cups. This year the Red Cup drinks are Toffee Nut Latte, Peppermint Mocha, and the new Cranberry White Chocolate Mocha. It's time, again, to spend too much on coffee and earn stickers for the 2012 Starbucks planner (which is nice, by the way, especially the pouch).

This year, though, Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf also released a holiday drink. Last November 7 different CBTL branches had an open house to introduce their holiday drink, the Red Velvet (ice blended or hot cocoa).

photo credit: https://www.facebook.com/coffeebeanphilippines
I was able to try CBTL's red velvet hot cocoa a week ago and man do I love it! It might be a bit watery in terms of consistency but it tastes heavenly! Not too chocolate-y and not too sweet. I was only able to get a sip of the ice blended version from my sister and it was pretty good too, perfect if you're not up to having a hot drink.

I only got to try the cranberry white chocolate mocha from Starbucks earlier this week. I was really excited because I love their white chocolate mocha (I think it's the only hot drink I order from Starbucks, aside from hot tea) and to combine it with such an odd flavor, cranberry, is just totally interesting. I ordered  the hot version of the drink and was sorely disappointed. I was expecting a nice blend of sweet-tangy cranberry flavor to complement the white chocolate mocha, but the only taste I got was just white chocolate mocha. What a letdown. =(

In any case, the other two red cup flavors are oldies but goodies. But if you're looking for an interesting and new holiday drink I suggest you try the red velvet drinks from Coffee Bean. They're not coffee-based, though, but I highly recommend them.

I wish Starbucks Philippines would introduce more new red cup flavors, though. I am very interested in the Gingerbread Latte & Eggnog Latte I've read about in other blogs.

04 November 2011

Do a barrel roll!

A barrel roll is an aerial maneuver in which an airplane makes a complete rotation on its longitudinal axis while following a helical path, approximately maintaining its original direction.

source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barrel_roll
I saw this tweet from @TIME earlier today:
Of course, I had to try it! And, yes, I was pleasantly surprised. =)

You should try it out yourself, if you're curious. It's very important to try it out on Firefox or Chrome, because other browsers might not work.
