I always say that I am not a morning person simply because I have trouble waking up early. Even if I get more than 6 hours of sleep prior to having to wake up early, I can still snooze through my alarms. And when I say early, I mean any time before 12 noon. Yep...yeah, I know.
Sleep is just so divine. I love the feeling of the cool sheets and pillows of my bed. I love just laying there while the world keeps turning, not caring if I get up or not. I just love the laziness of it all. And, yes, I am lazy.
Laziness is a problem in the real world, though. Something will always require you to get up in the morning, whether it be school, work (unless maybe if you worked the night shift), your family, or life in general. If you don't comply there will be consequences. You can fail in school, lose your job, and miss a lot of stuff. So is the dilemma of my life.
I have long accepted this problem of mine and have tried and done many things to resolve or help resolve it. Sleeping early, having someone else wake me (everyone who really knows me knows that I sleep like mantika), an alarm clock, many alarm clocks, musical alarm clocks, loud and annoying alarm clocks, gently rousing alarm clocks, math alarm clocks, QR code alarm clocks, radio alarm clock, and other ways. They'd usually work at the start or at some point. But, basically, they'd only be effective if I cooperated. I have to want to wake up early. I have to want it. Why the heck would I want to wake up early and leave the comforts of my lovely lovely bed?
Just to give you a better picture of how lazy I am, I am currently writing this entry on my phone, in bed, while lying on my side and hugging a pillow. The only reason why I started writing this entry was because I was thinking how everyone keeps saying that you should never use your favorite song as your alarm in the morning. Why? Because you will end up eventually hating it. I use "Closer to the Edge" as one of my alarm clock songs and no matter how many times I hear it in a morning, no matter how many times it tells me to get my ass out of bed, I still love it.
Back to my point: why would I want to wake up early and leave the comforts of my lovely bed? Life doesn't wait for anyone. The world doesn't wait for anyone. Life keeps going, the world keeps turning, whether you decide to get up or stay in bed. What pushes me out of bed is the thought that I don't want to get left behind. Some days are a bit more challenging than others, but at some point, even if I'm already late, I still get up. Plus, I tried sleeping for more than 24 hours and I almost fainted the next day because I didn't eat anything for more than 24 hours.