06 March 2012


My sister and I were re-watching "Easy A" yesterday after lunch. It has replaced "Mean Girls" as our youngest sister's loop movie. I like the movie, actually. It's a chick flick but not really a chick flick. Plus, I love the humor, which Emma Stone and the whole cast did really well.
When the movie reached the part where an angry mob group of rallyists met Emma stone outside the school I noticed the mascot that was bothering them, and exclaimed out loud "Omg, Quiznos!" And my sister looked up to the screen and said "Yes! Oo nga!" What the heck were we talking about? Why, the billboard along EDSA near Robinson's Galleria, of course!
None of us were familiar with Quiznos, unfortunately, which is why we didn't know what the billboard was for when we first saw it. Quiznos is second-largest submarine sandwich shop in North America, after Subway. Now, Subway, I'm familiar with because they've had franchises all over Manila since I was in elementary.

Apparently, Quiznos will be opening in Manila soon, which is obviously what the billboard is for. I wonder where, though. If you're a Quiznos fan you can keep updated with the latest news on Quiznos opening in manila by following them on Twitter (@quiznosph) or going to their Facebook page.
