26 March 2012

The Humble Bundle

One perk of having a gamer boyfriend/fiancé is that you get updated gaming news a lot and my favorite is getting introduced to different and new games. Jex told me to check out The Humble Bundle, which I did, and now I really need to blog about it.
What is The Humble Bundle? Simply:
Pay what you want. Support charity. Get awesome games.
So the idea is you pay what you want (seriously) to get a bundle of awesome games, at the same time you also donate something to charity. Who wouldn't like this idea?

25 March 2012

DFA Passport Renewal

I got my first ever passport last November 2007 because I was told I needed to have one for the job I was getting into. We went through a travel agency so it wouldn't be such a hassle applying for one. It was more expensive, but at least all we had to do was fill up the forms, submit them to the agency, and go to the DFA on the schedule the agency gave us. My passport expires this year on November. Since I already have planned trips for October and possible December I decided to renew my passport already, while I still had time (and leaves at the office).

20 March 2012

Star Apple

Chrysophyllum cainito is a tropical tree of the family Sapotaceae, native to the lowlands of Central America and the West Indies. It grows rapidly and reaches 20 m in height.
It has round, purple-skinned fruit that is often green around the calyx, with a star pattern in the pulp. Sometimes there is a greenish-white or yellow variety of the fruit. The skin is rich in latex, and both it and the rind are not edible. The flattened seeds are light brown and hard. It bears fruit year around after it reaches about seven years of age.
source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chrysophyllum_cainito
In the Philippines we call the fruit of the Chrysophyllum cainito "caimito" or "star apple" in English. And it seems that it's caimito season again. One street I pass through almost everyday have vendors, lined up along the sidewalk, with baskets of caimito for sale. The vendors started selling them only around a few weeks ago. I asked my mom to buy some when she gets the chance.

09 March 2012

Turning Point?

Warning: Vague post ahead

Heard some pretty big news last Wednesday. As much as the news should usually be upsetting for most people, I was surprised as to how...excited I was to hear it. I guess I'm seeing it as more of an opportunity than a problem.

Details aren't definite yet, but we'll find out more around the end of this month. It's been a long time and this is probably the nudge I need to change things up.

Hoping for the best and keeping fingers crossed. =)

06 March 2012


My sister and I were re-watching "Easy A" yesterday after lunch. It has replaced "Mean Girls" as our youngest sister's loop movie. I like the movie, actually. It's a chick flick but not really a chick flick. Plus, I love the humor, which Emma Stone and the whole cast did really well.
When the movie reached the part where an angry mob group of rallyists met Emma stone outside the school I noticed the mascot that was bothering them, and exclaimed out loud "Omg, Quiznos!" And my sister looked up to the screen and said "Yes! Oo nga!" What the heck were we talking about? Why, the billboard along EDSA near Robinson's Galleria, of course!

05 March 2012

Walk Off the Earth

I love discovering new artists through YouTube. I was introduced to Walk Off the Earth because Jex's brother showed us the video of their cover of "Somebody That I Used To Know" by Gotye. They did an awesome job with the song, but what makes their rendition more interesting is that they performed it with just one guitar. That's five people on one guitar. Don't believe me? Watch the video.

02 March 2012

The Hot Men & Woman Movie

I just watched the 2nd official trailer of The Avengers. Compared to the first one this one has the heroes with more screen time. I couldn't help it and gasped loudly at the Jeremy Renner jumping-arrow-shooting scene (it's at 1:42). So looking forward to this. Yay Joss Whedon!
